My Birth Package
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Belly, Birth & Beyond

My package includes at least three antepartum visits. These visits are designed to set up a birth plan, go over comfort techniques, address (and hopefully answer) any questions/concerns you may have and to get to kow one another. One of these visits must be attended by the woman's partner or whoever else is planning on providing support during the birth.

I'll be on call for you two weeks prior to your due date until you deliver. When you go into labor I'll come when you call and provide support for you and your partner at home and continue that support in the hospital or birthing center.

After the baby is born I'll stay for at least 2 hours to facilitate breastfeeding and family bonding.

I also provide two postpartum visits to talk about the birth, discuss baby care and help with small chores around the house. 



Additional post-partum services can also be provided at the rate of $10 per hour between the hours of 9am-5pm, $20 per hour between 5pm-10pm.  Overnight services also available with negotiable fees.


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